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Nescafe on-pack Coffee mug promo


Nescafe on-pack Coffee mug promo


Nescafe are well known for producing smooth, revitalising and well priced coffee. They are currently offering this fantastic promotion in supermarkets across Zhuhai. When purchasing a gift box that includes a jar of Nescafe original along with coffee whitener, you can enjoy the iconic red Nescafe branded mug and golden tea spoon. This would make a great gift for a friend/colleague or a fine addition to any house hold mug collection.




Nescafe Mug promotion


eecc eternal china gift factory      likes this promotion because of the effective use of the gift with purchase. Nescafe firstly have a great incentive to purchase two of their products. And still after the sale is complete they have mobile iconic advertisement on both sides of the mug. Two birds with one stone for Nescafe and a great gift for consumers to enjoy. Drinking coffee from a nice mug enhances the experience. Grab yours today.


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